Final Wrap Up

Saturday 26 January and Sunday 27 January 2019 

Our last breakfast in Vals was very poignant. We had had the best time and our little hobbit house had lived up to our expectations and then some. We had been dreaming of our stay here for nearly twelve months and today would be the last time we had to enjoy the awesomeness that was Villa Vals.  
Breakfast was a subdued affair.  Unlike every other day, today we wouldn't be going skiing or sledding.  The only thing left to do was to pack our suitcases. 

Staying at Villa Vals will be a life-long memory.  Leaving Villa Vals and the little town of Vals was a little upsetting.  

The train trip back to Zurich was pretty uneventful. As we had all the luggage with us, we decided to go straight to the airport and use the overnight luggage storage service for most of our gear. Turns out this was a good idea as it was easy to do and our hotel couldn't have held all our gear the next day. The result was we didn't have any luggage hassles on our last day and left us free to wander about Zurich unencumbered.

We got back to our mainstay in the city - the good old Hotel Montana and then headed out to find a place to have our last dinner. Unfortunately we couldn't book into the Lindenhoffkeller to have some more of that amazing veal, but we found something nearly as good just around the corner. 
Our last night in Zurich

And a cool clock we filmed. 

It had been a very long day, but as it was the last night of the holiday, the boys decided to stop at a local pub for couple of last drinks before bedtime. Well, the pub had a nightclub, one thing led to another and it turned into a pretty messy affair! Next day in Zurich we walked around the lake and checked out Zurich in it's winter glory. 

The next morning the boys were a little worse for wear, but seeing it was the last day, we all headed out early to walk through Zurich's old city. 

Walking by the river of Zurich.  We missed the blue skies of Vals.

First stop was the famous 1842 im Haus Conditorei Schober (chocolate shop) for a hot chocolate and some cake. 


Having a spot of hot chocolate and cake. 

Turns out it was a good hangover cure and set the scene for a great start to the last day.

We walked all through the old city and through some of Zurich's more up-market suburbs, which eventually led us down to the lake. Even though it was the middle of winter and the temperature was hovering around zero, the sun was out and so it seemed were half of the city promenading along the lake shore.

At some point we got hungry again and found Brasserie Schiller, a nice little restaurant just next to Zurich's opera house for our last meal in Switzerland. It was a fitting end to an extraordinary holiday, just before we headed out to the airport.