Amy Shark Day

Sunday 20 January 2019 

Magenta is a HUGE Amy Shark fan and what are the chances, but that Amy was playing in Zurich during our visit. When Magenta discovered this incredible coincidence she asked if it was possible for us to go see her. At that stage it was still a fair few months from us leaving and we knew nothing about Amy Shark - so the initial response was to point out that Zurich was a long way from Vals and that by the time you organised travel, accommodation etc, it was going to be a pretty big deal. But hey, if she wanted to go anyway, then that would be no problem.

Anyway a few weeks passed and we were walking through Fitzroy and happened to see an Amy Shark poster on a wall advertising an upcoming tour. Not having heard back from Magenta, I took a photo of the poster and sent it to her to see if she'd decided to go. 

She texted back and said no - it was going to be too much trouble. When we got home, we decided to look at some of Amy's videos on Youtube - as it turns out she's pretty damn good! At that point our mind had been made up - we (I mean all of us) were going to go see Amy in Zurich - end of story.

When we rang Magenta to let her know we were going there were screams, followed by crying, "OMG we are going to see Amy!" Turns out it was one of the best things we did on the whole trip and a wonderful break between the two weeks of skiing in Vals. 

Three hours back to Zurich on the train and then it being Sunday afternoon in Zurich, not much was open. 

But we somehow found a bar (alcoholic’s instinct) and had some late lunch. 

Then back to our hotel to make ourselves presentable for the gig, a few more drinks in the bar downstairs before heading out. 

The gig was awesome.

Here was Amy on stage.

Amy Shark All Loved Up

Amy Adore & Said Hi
And Magenta got to meet her again (she’s met her before) and probably will again. It’s starting to turn into a stalker-type relationship. 

Amy was really nice.